Respecting your Soul’s intention

My offerings to you
The birth chart is like a postcard from your soul, giving you a snapshot of your strengths and challenges. Will you read its wisdom?
Karmic Path
Discover your karmic path through your natal chart to clear the way to make more conscious decisions.
Dream Work
Your inner Dreamer slumbers and awaits your call for clarity. Learn to open yourself to her quiet voice through intentional dreaming.

Choice begins now!
Full natal chart reading
What are your relationship needs? How do you communicate? Where do you need to believe in yourself? These are some of the questions we can begin to answer by more further exploring the other planets in your chart that join your Personal Trinity & Karmic Path in the unfolding of your soul’s intention. 60 minute reading $144
Current Client Check-In
This is a 45 minute reading for current clients who have an understanding of their natal chart and wish to dive in to important life cycles coming up, such as a Saturn return, or for time to dive deeper into self-understanding. Pressing questions and what the natal, transit or secondary progressed chart may be examined here. 45 minute reading $116
Personal Trinity Reading
What are your Sun, Moon and Rising sign and where do they operate in your life? Take a deeper dive into the core of yourself and expand your self knowledge. This 25 minute reading will illuminate your mental/intellectual stance, emotional patterns and how your persona dawns upon others. 30 minute reading $78
Karmic Path
Do you know about your karmic default patterns and how they might be holding you back? Your South node is your karmic past and your North node is your leap of faith forward. It is patterning that no longer serves you and that you must cultivate awareness about it in order to present it as a gift and strength. 30 minute reading $78
Relationship Profile
Your natal chart gives clues as to what you need to grow and feel loved in relationship. Knowing your Moon, Venus and 7th house desires can help you to move into relationship with greater awareness of your strengths and challenges. 30 minute reading $78
Career Profile
What sign rules your 10th house? Do you have a mission in this lifetime? What do you need in your day-to-day work routines to fit the rhythm and values? What kind of boss might you find yourself working with? 30 minute reading $78
Cosmic Weather
As planets continue their celestial dance, they activate parts of your chart asking you to grow, change and flow. Think of this as the Cosmic Weather. They are called transits. What transits are coming up for you and how can you meet them with greater awareness? For current clients only. 60 minute reading $144
Pam Pleviak, Evolutionary Astrologer
You might wonder how I stumbled upon this path. At 11 years old, a friend’s aunt introduced me to astrology. Little did I know that, after a long career in education, I would study with Steven Forrest, well-known evolutionary astrologer and author, both in his in-person apprenticeship program, as well as online through FCEA. Before reaching that milepost in my journey, Eve B. Lee, led me on a year long Shamanic Apprenticeship in the footsteps of her mentor, Michael Harner. Later, I studied with Toltec teacher and Dreamer, Victoria Allen, an early apprentice of Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements. Recently, I completed a certificate in the Astrology of Love and Relationships through a 9 month course taught by well-known astrologers across the world. In order to further deepen my understanding of the potential for astrology to transform one’s life, my continuing journey led me to Wales to participate in Mark Jones’ Master Class—Turning Points: A Psychological and Astrological Study of Transformation.
My BA in English Literature and my Masters of Library and Information Sciences provided a solid background for story, mythology and analysis that has supported my research and practice in these more esoteric studies.
This path has been a path with heart, of listening, and of opening my heart and mind to ideas beyond what, for many people, lie outside of their cultural programming. In my experience, it is a journey where the traveler, if tuned in with their Soul’s Intention, finds growth, clarity and transformation. I am so grateful for my teachers and I honor their legacy.